Rustic Reindeer Workshop
We will be making rustic reindeer from kits. Parts will be sourced from local materials and kits will cost £12 each. Places are limited, tickets can be booked on Eventbrite.
Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. We will be working out in the open so please wrap up warm.
The Friends will also be selling Christmas decorations and gifts to raise funds to complete “Space@MiltonCreek” the new community hub that the Milton Creek Country Park Trust is building.
Nature recording walk
Come along and join us from 9:30am, we will be recording all kinds of species with a group of local enthusiasts of nature. You don’t need to have any special knowledge to enjoy one of these walks and you could learn a lot from those who do. We plan on carrying out surveys on the 3rd Sunday each month. From March through the summer this will include the monthly bumblebee survey. In November we will be meeting in the Milton Creek Country Park Gas Road entrance ME10 2QB