Milton Creek Country Park
01795 417850

SPACE community & education hub – Update

As soon as the schools went back and before the winter weather set in the the Friends of Milton Creek went to work installing the sedum roof on SPACE. All the volunteers, supported by the Park Ranger Kris Staples, worked for 5 full days to build the roof and install the sedum topping. Tilleys erected the scaffold on the Monday, the roof trusses arrived and were erected on Tuesday followed by the insulation, boarding and DPM ready for the sedum roof to be laid on the Thursday. Friday was spent finishing the timber edging and cladding round the trusses.
A fantastic effort by every one involved. The free expertise and labour provided by this dedicated team of volunteers has saved the Trust an enormous amount of money without which this project would not have been possible.

The service trenches were also dug and the ducting and drainage installed ready to be connected.

The Reindeer workshops made good use of the building and once they were finished all the materials to line out and insulate Space were delivered ready for the Friends of Milton Creek volunteers to start work on 6th January. The kitchenette area was completed first so the electrician could install the consumer unit, connect the power supply and provide some temporary sockets to power the shutters, work lights and power tools. Since then progress has been good, all the studding and insulation has been fitted and taped, followed by DPM, OSB and fireline plasterboard as required by current building regulations. The quality of workmanship and the attention to detail has been fantastic. The next task is to fit the studding to support the suspended ceiling and for the first fix electrics to be installed. The plaster board has to be jointed and them comes the difficult task of deciding what colour to paint the walls!
If there is an experienced jointer who could spare a day to help out it would be much appreciated. Please eMail if you can assist.

This has only been possible because of a significant grants that the MCCP Trust received from the Postcode Society Trust, the Asda Foundation and the Queenborough Fisheries Trust as well as smaller grants from other funders. Fundraising is continuing as money is still need to complete the eternal work, including  paths, patio, planting and  ramps as well as the facia boarding and external lighting and signage. The hope is that, all things going well, the building will be ready to use by Easter, so watch this space.



Work on the Green Roof All hands to painting the soffits Work on finishing off the green roof Fitting guttering to green rof Making good use of the dry Space Lining out kitchenette ready to connect power Starting to line out rest of interior DPM over insulation OSB boarding Fireline plasterboard to complete walls